Do you have a family member who has recently lost all members of their family unit and in need of joining you in Australia? That family member may apply for the permanent Australian Remaining Relative Visa (subclass and 115 and 835) if they are a relative of an Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen.
Now the waiting time for this visa to be granted is currently so long (50 years) that you would not seriously consider the offshore 115 visa however the onshore 835 does give a BVA and access to medicare and the possibility to obtain permission to work.
The Department of Home Affairs (DOHA) defines ‘remaining relative’ as the applicant and their partner, if applicable, having no “near relatives” other than their sponsor.
They are a relative of their sponsor:
Remember that it needs to be proven that the applicant has no other near relatives outside of Australia. In this, the relationship and residence must be tested.
Near relatives are:
An Australian citizen, permanent resident or eligible New Zealand citizen can sponsor a last remaining relative if they are:
Or is
Interestingly, if circumstances change, an applicant can change their sponsor at any time before the visa decision is made so long as the new sponsor meets the above requirements.
A person who has been sponsored as a remaining relative (been granted a visa listed below) is unable to sponsor a remaining relative of their own. Also, a person who has sponsored a remaining relative (for a visa listed below) is not able to sponsor another.
The visas related to the above include:
There are no exemptions or waivers to this.
Assurance of Support (AoS) is a mandatory or discretionary requirement on certain family visas asking for legal commitment from a party for the financial support of the visa applicant (assuree) for a stipulated period (AoS period) after moving to Australia. This helps mitigate any or part of the financial burden that the migrating party may cause to the Australian health and welfare system. Whilst AoS is a DOHA requirement, the application is made to Centrelink and it is Centrelink that determines whether an AoS application is accepted or not. AoS is a mandatory requirement on the Remaining Relative visa (subclass 835). Often it is the sponsor who provides AoS, but other parties may do so as well.
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